
How Many Reporting Widgets Can You Save To A Dashboard

Do you want to know which Google Analytics dashboard reports you have access to when you use MonsterInsights, the most popular WordPress Google Analytics dashboard plugin?

Connecting your WordPress website to Google Analytics with MonsterInsights gives you access to a bunch of ready-made Google Analytics reports right in your WordPress dashboard. You can use these reports to see where your site visitors come from, and how they behave once they're on your website.

In this article, we'll show you what you get with each MonsterInsights dashboard report and how each one helps you make data-driven decisions to grow your following, increase your sales, and make your business a success.

Google Analytics WordPress Dashboard Widget

With MonsterInsights, you can see your Google Analytics data as soon as you log into your WordPress dashboard. The plugin has a dashboard widget that shows your site's key metrics right on your WordPress dashboard, with no clicks required.

MonsterInsights is the best WordPress Analytics plugin. Get it for free!

Google Analytics Dashboard Widget for WordPress by MonsterInsights

By default, it'll show you a quick summary report that includes pageviews, top content, device breakdown, and new vs. returning visitors. If you'd like, you can add more metrics by clicking the gear icon. You can also choose to have your widget appear in full-width mode by clicking the arrows right next to the gear.

WordPress Google Analytics dashboard widget

The Google Analytics Dashboard Widget for MonsterInsights makes it really easy and quick for you to view your website's important data.

Immediately after signing in, you'll be able to see any significant changes in your website traffic and take action if required.

Overview Report

To access your MonsterInsights dashboard reports in WordPress, go to Insights » Reports. There, you'll immediately see the Overview Report, as well as the other Google Analytics dashboard reports MonsterInsights has available for you.

The first part of the Overview Reports gives you a visual look at the number of sessions and pageviews for your site.

overview report monsterinsights

Right underneath the traffic graph, you'll see quick stats related to your site visitors' behavior, including the number of sessions, the number of page views, the average session duration, and your site's overall bounce rate.

You can use the date picker to show the past 7 days or past 30 days, or a few other default time periods. You can also change it to a custom date range if you need to see data for a certain time period.

You will also see a percentage of change as compared to the time period you have chosen for this report. For example, if you've chosen to see the number of sessions and pageviews for the past 30 days, you'll see a comparison to the previous 30 days as well.

If you keep scrolling down in the Overview Report, you'll see a simple graph of New vs. Returning Visitors and Device Breakdown.

New vs returning visitors and device breakdown reports

This is a great way to see what percentage of people are returning to your website after having visited before. It also shows you which devices your visitors were on when they visited your site.

Next, you can check out which countries your visitors are from. You'll also see which websites are referring people to your site the most.

Top Countries and Referral Traffic

You can click on the View Countries Report or View All Referral Sources buttons to get the full list. When you do this, you'll be asked to sign into your Google Analytics account.

You'll then be taken to the correct report in Google Analytics to get additional data.

For our example, we'll look at the countries report:

Geo location report in Google Analytics

Here, you'll see a map view of site visitors and a list of top countries. You can also get data like:

  • Number of users
  • New users
  • Sessions
  • Bounce rate
  • Pages/session
  • Average session duration
  • Any conversion goals you may have set up for your site

You can also define the date range and change the display to reflect goals you've set up for your website.

Lastly, the Overview Report shows you which posts and pages are the most popular on your site. This gives you insight into which content your site visitors like the most, so you can give them more of what they want.

Top posts and pages report

Again, if you click the View Full Posts/Pages Report button you'll see all your site's posts and pages in Google Analytics and how they're performing.

Top pages report in Google Analytics

Check out the number of pageviews, unique pageviews, average time on page, entrances, bounce rate, and more.

Publishers Report

Click on the Publishers tab in MonsterInsights to see the following data:

  • Landing Pages
  • Exit Pages
  • Outbound Links
  • Affiliate Links
  • Download Links
  • Demographics
  • Interest Categories

There's a lot of information here that can help bloggers who have websites that focus on blog content, or it can also help those with eCommerce shops make more money online too.

To start, rather than deal with finding demographic and interest reports in Google Analytics, you can see this data right in your WordPress dashboard instead.

Demographics Reports in MonsterInsights

The MonsterInsights Publishers report is also helpful for those who're trying to create effective landing pages for their website.

Whether your goal is to have people subscribing to your newsletter or making a purchase, knowing which landing pages are the most effective can help you make your business even better and ultimately build a bigger following.

Top Landing Pages Report

If you want more comprehensive data than what the Publishers Report offers, you can always check out our definitive guide to Google Analytics for publishers.

Search Console Report

Click on the Search Console tab to find out your Top 50 Google Search Terms.

search console report

You'll see the number of clicks, impressions, click-through-rate, and average position of each term.

This is great for:

  • Making sure your keyword research is on point
  • Seeing that organic traffic is coming to your site when they find you in search results
  • Your SEO efforts are working for you, not against you
  • Seeing what people are searching for when they find you, which can inspire new blog post ideas

If you haven't already, make sure to check out our step-by-step instructions on how to configure your WordPress site with Google Search Console.

eCommerce Report

Click on the eCommerce tab in MonsterInsights to get a quick glance at how your online store is doing.

To start, you can see data such as your shop's conversion rate, the number of transactions, how much revenue you've generated, and the average order value.

Ecommerce Overview Report

You can also see a list of your eCommerce store's top products. That way you'll see at-a-glance which products to continue promoting.

top products report

Plus, you can make sure you focus your pay-per-click advertisements, whether you use Google Adsense or Google Ads, on promoting your best-selling products.

In the eCommerce Report, you can also check out how many days or number of sessions it took site visitors to make a purchase from your website. This includes the number of transactions that were actually finalized.

Time and Sessions to Purchase

Also, you can see how many total Add to Cart clicks occurred, and how many times products were removed from carts.

Adds and Removals from Cart Metrics

For help with boosting sales in your eCommerce shop, be sure to check out these 11 smart tactics for reducing shopping cart abandonment. And, if you need more data related to your online shop, find out how to track shopping cart abandonment in Google Analytics.

Custom Dimensions Report

Click on the Dimensions tab to track custom data you want showing in your MonsterInsights dashboard report.


For example, you can track data like:

  • Which author's posts generate the most traffic
  • Focus keywords you're using and which ones are doing well in search engines
  • SEO score tracking to see which blog SEO scores are the most popular
  • Which categories on your site are clicked the most
  • Which custom post types are the most well-liked by site visitors

Most popular categories report

This is perfect for those that feel limited by the data that Google Analytics has when it comes to data tracking.

For a detailed look at how to use custom dimensions in Google Analytics, as well as in MonsterInsights, check out this helpful beginner's guide to custom dimensions.

Forms Tracking Report

Click on the Forms tab to see how your WordPress forms are performing on your website.

MonsterInsights Forms Report

MonsterInsights is proud to have integrated with multiple popular contact form plugins, including WPForms, so you can see the number of form views and conversions your WordPress forms are getting.

With the Forms addon, and the Forms Tracking Report, you can track things like:

  • Number of form submissions
  • Which forms trigger the most conversions
  • How many impressions and conversions each form is getting

With this data, you can begin optimizing your WordPress forms to get more signups and sales.

For help using the Forms addon, check out our documentation on getting started with the Forms addon.

Real-Time Reports

Click the Real-Time tab to see your users' activity on real-time.

The Real-Time report allows you to monitor your users' activity on your site at any given time. You can see the number of active users, pageviews per minute for the last 30 minutes, and more.

real time report

Moreover, you can see top pages, top referral traffic sources, top countries, and top cities your visitors are from at the moment.

The Real-Time reports let you see the user interaction on your site right as it's occurring without having wait until the next day.

These real-time reports are especially useful if you've just launched a special marketing campaign and want to know how people are clicking on it. For example, you can track your email, social media, and other paid marketing campaigns' performance right away.

For more details, read our complete guide on how to find and use real-time reports in Google Analytics.

View Stats for Individual Posts and Pages in WordPress

With MonsterInsights, you can also check stats for individual posts and pages on your WordPress site.

To view stats for your individual posts, you'll need to visit 'All Posts' page by going to Posts » All Posts in WordPress. You can also find this data in Pages » All Pages.

MonsterInsights adds a small 'Insights' icon for each of your posts or pages.

Insights per post

Simply click the icon to see the stats for the post. Then, a popup window will appear with stats for the respective page or post.

Page insights popup

For detailed instructions, read our complete guide on how to check stats for individual posts in WordPress.

And there you have it! You've now taken a tour of the MonsterInsights Google Analytics dashboard reports.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started with the best Google Analytics plugin today so you can see how your site is performing at a glance.

And don't forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for more helpful Google Analytics tips.

How Many Reporting Widgets Can You Save To A Dashboard


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